Celebrate National Aboriginal Day, June 21, 2015
Here are a few links to events happening across the province in celebration of National Aboriginal Day
Please join members of Solidarity Halifax on Friday morning, June 19, at 7:30 am to 8:30 am to be a public presence to demand the implementation of the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation report.
We will meet at the entrance to the George Dixon Centre at the foot of Charles St.(intersection of Gottingen St) at 7:30 am and walk to the green space at the Macdonald bridge. We will have leaflets, banners and pickets (feel free to bring your own) and stand in solidarity with First Nations.
Go to the solidarityhalifax.ca to read our statement
Membertou – http://www.membertou.ca/notices
Kejimkujik – http://www.novascotia.com/events/festivals-and-events/national-aboriginal-day-at-kejimkujik/-1238
Glooscap Heritage Centre – http://www.glooscapheritagecentre.com/national-aboriginal-day.html
Here is an article from the Herald on Eleanor Bernard’s Celebration of Aboriginal Heritage Day