Local 59 – Tentative Agreement, Meeting Scheduled
We would like to present this agreement to you as soon as possible, and provide an opportunity for you to vote on whether you would like to accept it or continue to move forward to conciliation.
Members of your bargaining committee and your Chief Negotiator, Grant Vaughan, will present this tentative agreement at a series of meetings held over the next few days.
The first is being held at the Yarmouth NSGEU office tomorrow, Wednesday, October 2nd (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.) and Thursday, October 3rd from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Another meeting will take place at the NSGEU office at 255 John Savage Avenue, in Burnside Industrial Park (room 137) on Thursday, October 3rd (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.) and Friday, October 4th (9 a.m. to 12 p.m.).
Please make every effort to attend, and make sure your co-workers are also aware of the sessions.
If you are unable to attend the meetings, you will not be able to vote on the tentative agreement. Please make sure you vote, so your voice is heard.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of your bargaining committee or the NSGEU at 424-4063 (toll-free 1-877-556-7438), or email us at inquiry@nsgeu.ca.
Bargaining Committee
Timmothy Fiander timothyf@eastlink.ca
Audrey Sears searsaudrey@gmail.com
Chantal Gelinas chantalnatalie@yahoo.ca
Nicole LePage nicolemlepage@gmail.com
Grant Vaughan, Chief Negotiator
David Lawrence, ERO