Local 87 – Final Offer from Employer, Important Meeting Scheduled

After many months of bargaining, your employer has provided your bargaining committee with a final offer, which contains a proposed wage package.

We would like to present their offer to you as soon as possible, and provide an opportunity for you to vote on whether you would like to accept it, or continue to move forward with the First Contract Arbitration process.

What is First Contract Arbitration? Either side (the union or employer) has the right to apply to the Labour Board of Nova Scotia for an imposed settlement in cases where a first collective agreement is not achieved after a period of one year. This legislation was designed to help parties reach a first collective agreement without resorting to strike or lockout. The possibility of an imposed agreement serves to encourage both the union and employer to compromise and find solutions in a timely manner. Furthermore, the Labour Board can offer the assistance of experienced senior labour, management and third-party representatives to help the parties reach an agreement.

Members of your bargaining committee, your Chief Negotiator, Grant Vaughan, your Employee Relations Officer, Lori Smith, and NSGEU President Joan Jessome will present this final offer at two drop-in meetings being held on Monday, October 7th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Sobey’s at 268 Baker Drive. These are drop-in sessions, so you are welcome to come at any time to ask questions and vote.

Please make every effort to attend, and make sure your co-workers are also aware of the sessions.

If you are unable to attend the drop-in sessions, you will be able to vote on the employer’s final offer if you simply ask a member of your bargaining committee. Please make sure you vote on this offer, so your voice is heard.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of your bargaining committee or the NSGEU at 424-4063 (toll-free 1-877-556-7438), or email us at inquiry@nsgeu.ca.

Bargaining Committee

Jane Billyard  jane.billyard@gmail.com

Chris MacFarlane  chris.macfarlane@bellaliant.net

Bernadette Pearce  bernadette_pearce2005@hotmail.com

Grant Vaughan, Chief Negotiator

424-4063 or 1-877-556-7438



Lori Smith, ERO

424-4063 or 1-877-556-7438


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