President MacLean asks to return to bargaining table: Premier responds he will wait for vote results.

Dear members of the Civil Service,
In light of the return to the bargaining table with the Nova Scotia Teacher’s Union, I asked the Premier today to return to the table with Civil Servants as well, to actually negotiate a fair deal.
Unfortunately, the Premier’s response was to say that he is waiting to see the outcome of our vote on his government’s final offer on December 14th.
So, it is up to you and your fellow members of the Civil Service, to tell him what you think of this final offer from government. He doesn’t want to negotiate. He wants you to just accept what his government has offered.
Your bargaining committee is recommending you vote “no” and reject this offer which includes a four-year wage package of 0, 0, 1, 1.5 and 0.5 per cent on the last day of the contract as well as the elimination of a long-held benefit, the Public Service Award, a deferred wage benefit, freely and jointly negotiated in the 80’s to help recruitment and retention in the Civil Service. Voting will take place from Dec. 12 – noon on Dec. 14.
We understand that the Premier will be visiting offices of Service Nova Scotia tomorrow, Nov. 23rd, as he wants to learn more about the “work and experiences” of employees there. We are glad to hear the Premier wants to hear directly from the front-line employees who provide these valuable public services.
One sure way for him to show his respect for us would have been to return to the bargaining table and negotiate a fair collective agreement. I’m disappointed he has not chosen to do this.
Now it is up to you. Please support your bargaining committee’s recommendation and vote “no”.
In solidarity,
Jason MacLean,

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