The results are in. How’s working going? Not great says front-line employees.
The Nova Scotia Public Service Commission released its How’s Work Going survey results and it’s clear that public servants are feeling less valued and are unclear as to what they are supposed to be doing under the McNeil Liberals. Key areas promoted by Stephen McNeil such as Empowerment and Innovation, Vision and Goals, and Senior Leadership all rated as ‘areas for concern.’
These results don’t even include, teachers, nurses, and health care workers who have all been under attack for the last 4 years. Lucky for McNeil, they were excluded from the survey or the numbers could be even worse.
What does it say about a government that undervalues the hard working people who deliver the services and programs people count on? What does it say when more than half of the people working in the public service are unsatisfied because they don’t know how their work fits into the overall government plan?
It says Stephen McNeil is treating his employees with the same lack of respect and undervalues the people who work hard to make Nova Scotia great. How can the province reach its full potential if the people working there feel undervalued, disrespected and unsupported on the job unable to do their job?
This is the McNeil government’s first report card since May and it’s another failing grade.