To All Locals: Changes to By-Law 11.5 on Committee Representation
Local Presidents & Secretaries;
Please be advised that during the proceedings of the NSGEU Triennial Convention held May 8 – 11, 2019, a change to By-Law 11.5 of the NSGEU Constitution & By-Laws was approved.
The change allows for more committee pool members per local. The original numbers were 2, 3 and 4 and have now changed to 4, 5 and 6. Please ensure that you take note of this for your upcoming elections.
B11.5 To ensure some uniformity of Local representatives on Board Committees or subcommittees, and to provide for input from a wide segment of the membership, the Board shall apportion Committee representation from the Locals which shall be based upon members shown on the membership list of the Local one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days preceding the last Convention on the following basis:
2 to 249 members 4 committee members
250 to 749 5 committee members
750 or more 6 committee members