Changes to E.I. Waiting Period

This article appeared in the Winter 2017 issue of the Union Stand.

On January 1, 2017 the Employment Insurance (EI) waiting period was shortened from two weeks to one week.

The reduction of the waiting period applies to all types of EI benefits—regular, fishing, sickness, maternity, parental, compassionate care, parents of critically ill children, and special benefits for self-employed individuals.
For Civil Service members this means the employer will continue to pay 75% of an Employee’s pay in the second week waiting period and will discuss any potential changes further during contract negotiations. This means, Members will be able to receive their EI payments in the second week and 75% of their pay from the Employer.
Where NSGEU collective agreements have negotiated top-ups we will be discussing this issue with the employers to find out their interpretation of the new rule, and to ensure that the one-week waiting period will apply with no loss to any member in terms of pay and benefits.
Claimants are still entitled to the same maximum number of weeks of EI benefits. Reducing the waiting period shifts forward the period during which EI benefits are payable.

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