Meeting the Membership

*This article appears in the Fall 2016 issue of the Union Stand.

In the late days of August, while some were still enjoying the last few days of summer, our union’s newly elected President, Jason MacLean, was heading out on the road to meet a segment of the membership that he wants to become more familiar with: our health care workers.
“My background is in Corrections,” MacLean explains, “And while I’ve gotten to know quite a bit about the Health Care side of the union throughout the past 13 years I’ve been active with the NSGEU, I really wanted to learn more about the work our members are doing to help care for Nova Scotians.”
He decided to start by visiting a variety of acute health care centres within Halifax Regional Municipality: Eastern Shore Memorial Hospital, Musquodoboit Valley, Twin Oaks Memorial, Hants Community, Cobequid Health, Dartmouth General, Nova Scotia Rehab, Nova Scotia Hospital, Victoria General, Halifax Infirmary, the IWK, as well as the warehouse and laundry services sites.
On the ground, he had the opportunity to meet and speak with many members about what they find rewarding and challenging about their jobs, and how they can get involved with their union.
“It was a whirlwind tour, really. It was a really valuable experience for me to get to see the incredible work our members are doing – day in and day out – to keep people in this province safe and healthy,” MacLean said.
“Honestly, it gave me a whole new appreciation for the role they play, and made me feel even more honoured to represent them as the President of their union. I am looking forward to visiting more members in their workplace over the coming term, as well.”

All members were featured on our NSGEU Facebook page during our Health Care President’s tour. Visit for more member profiles!

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