In Labour News, NSGEU News, ObservancesPosted November 7, 2022Celebrating Nurse Practitioners – November 6 to 12, 2022From November 6th to 12th, we celebrate the valuable role Nurse Practitioners (NPs) play in keeping us all healthy and... Continue Reading
In Administrative Professionals, Bargaining Updates, Healthcare, NSGEU NewsPosted August 5, 2022Health Care Bargaining Update: Administrative Professionals Bargaining UnitThe Administrative Professionals Bargaining Council continues to prepare for bargaining to begin. In order to keep your bargaining unit informed,... Continue Reading
In Bargaining Updates, Healthcare, NSGEU NewsPosted July 22, 2022NSH – Nursing Central Zone & IWK LPNs Bargaining UpdateDear member, The Nursing Bargaining Council continues to prepare for bargaining to begin. NSGEU’s members on the committee have met... Continue Reading
In Arbitration Decisions, Labour News, NSGEU NewsPosted June 27, 2022LPN Retro Pay Related to ReclassificationAfter consulting with legal counsel following an earlier arbitration decision seeking retro for IWK LPNs from March 2022, we received... Continue Reading
In Healthcare, Media Releases, NSGEU NewsPosted June 2, 2022MEDIA RELEASE: Hiring Graduate Nurses Good News, But Not Nearly EnoughToday’s announced hiring of nursing school graduates by the province is welcome news to the thousands of nurses who work... Continue Reading
In Labour News, NSGEU News, OHSPosted April 14, 2022Labour Board AppealThe union has been successful in our OHS appeal to the Labour Board, and an order has now been made... Continue Reading
In Bargaining Updates, Healthcare, NSGEU NewsPosted November 25, 2021Health Care Collective Agreement UpdateDear members, Health care collective agreements for Nova Scotia Health and IWK were signed today after some delay related largely... Continue Reading
In Events, Healthcare, NSGEU NewsPosted September 16, 2021Nursing Day of Action: Friday, September 17thTomorrow (Friday, September 17th), the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions will be holding a Day of Action to demand change... Continue Reading
In Arbitration Decisions, NSGEU NewsPosted September 14, 2021LPN Reclassification Arbitration UpdateArbitration was held on September 7th for our LPN wage parity and retroactivity grievances on behalf of our Nova Scotia... Continue Reading
In Bargaining Updates, Healthcare, NSGEU NewsPosted July 2, 2021Health Care Bargaining Unit: Bargaining Update: Your Bargaining Committee Needs Your Support!Nova Scotia Healthcare Workers are Among the Lowest Paid in Canada, Government’s Offer Would Keep Us There. Government offered healthcare... Continue Reading