Attn: Local 122 & 124 – Positive Resolution to Grievance re: IWK Callback Compensation

Dear Local 122 & 124 members;

On January 9, 2017, the NSGEU filed a Policy Grievance (P-17-20) alleging that your Employer wasn’t properly compensating all Employees for callback hours per Article 15 of the IWK Healthcare Collective Agreement.

Article 15.04 Callback Compensation states:

An employee who is called back to work and who reports for work shall be compensated for a minimum of four (4) hours at the straight time rate for the period worked, or at the applicable overtime rate, whichever is greater. The minimum guarantee of four (4) hours pay at the straight time rate shall apply only once during each eight (8) consecutive hours on standby.

The Union argued that this callback article would apply to any Employees who are on standby for telephone consults. The Employer disagreed.

The Union and Employer were unable to reach a satisfactory agreement, therefore an arbitration hearing was scheduled for January 23, 2018.

We are pleased to report that after further consideration the Employer has now agreed with our grievance. The Employer will now apply the callback provision to Employees who are on standby for telephone consults, retroactive to the date of the policy grievance – January 9, 2017. The Employer has reviewed their records and will be sending out retroactive payments to anyone who was called for a telephone consult/callback retroactive to January 9, 2017. This payment is expected to be on the March 15, 2018 pay.

If any Employee believes that they weren’t properly compensated on the pay they should first bring it to their manager’s attention. If that does not bring satisfactory results please contact the Union.

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