Mandatory Education Policy Grievance Victory for Nurses at NSHA

Good afternoon,

We wanted to advise you of a significant policy grievance that was filed by the NSGEU on behalf of all nursing members who work at the Nova Scotia Health Authority. The outcome of the grievance is very positive for our members.

We filed a Policy Grievance on Mandatory Education for all nurses. We met with your employer on multiple occasions trying to resolve the issue prior to arbitration. On January 10th, 2020, both parties entered into mediation with Arbitrator Bruce Archibald, where we were able to reach a settlement agreement.

This agreement will require the employer to schedule nurses uninterrupted time within their shifts to complete the required LMS videos.

However, the expectation is that the reading component of policy reviews can be completed during nurses’ work time throughout the year. As these are completed, they can be signed off, as the review may be done prior to a procedure or skill and will be considered completed for the yearly requirement.

If you have any questions regarding the settlement agreement, please do not hesitate to contact your ERO or call the union at 902-424-4063 (1-877-556-7438).

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