In Bargaining Updates, NSGEU NewsPosted May 25, 2023Additional Wage Increase Information for NSLC MembersRecently, the Province of Nova Scotia, through the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation, reached an agreement with the NSGEU with respect... Continue Reading
In Bargaining Updates, NSGEU NewsPosted November 9, 2021Local 1670 – NSLC Managers Bargaining Update: Bargaining ResumesThe NSLC has reached out and requested your bargaining committee resume collective bargaining while we await the appointment of a... Continue Reading
In Bargaining UpdatesPosted October 28, 2021Local 1670 – NSLC Managers: Bargaining Proposals ExchangedDear members, Your Bargaining Committee met with your Employer on October 20th to exchange proposals and some bargaining did occur. If... Continue Reading
In Labour NewsPosted June 30, 2020Statement: Alcohol via Delivery is RiskyRestaurants play an important role in our local economies and communities, and we understand they are struggling as a result... Continue Reading
In NSGEU NewsPosted March 24, 2020Joint Statement from Greg Hughes (President & CEO, NSLC) and Jason MacLean (President, NSGEU)We would like to thank you for rising to the challenge during this time of uncertainty with COVID-19. Thank you... Continue Reading
In NSGEU NewsPosted March 23, 2020Health and Safety Measures for Members Working for NSLCDear NSLC member, Thank you for your commitment and work ethic during this time of crisis. You are working on... Continue Reading
In Bargaining Updates, NSGEU NewsPosted February 19, 2019Local 1670 – NSLC Managers & Assistant Managers: Bargaining Update: Negotiations ContinueDear Local 1670 members, Your Bargaining Committee resumed negotiations with your Employer on February 13 and 14. The Bargaining Committee... Continue Reading
In UncategorizedPosted January 17, 2018John Lohr’s NSLC Policy Wrong Direction for Nova Scotia FamiliesProgressive Conservative Leadership candidate, John Lohr, claims to be for: people, the economy, and returning integrity to Government, however today’s... Continue Reading