Travel Nurse Team Announcement

Yesterday, the government shared details about a new Travel Nurse team that will be developed in Nova Scotia.

This team has been developed as a result of Memorandum of Agreement #31 that was agreed upon and signed by all parties during the Nursing Council of Unions’ last round of bargaining. An employer/union committee was subsequently struck with representatives from all parties helping to develop the pilot project that is outlined in the government release, which you can read here:

It is important to note that NSGEU nurses who are hired to the Provincial Internal Travel Nurse team will maintain their current home site and constituent union.

We are hopeful that this pilot program is a step towards alleviating our public health care system’s reliance upon using private agency nurses in our hospitals, as we have heard many concerns from our members about how this practice is detrimental to both the nursing profession and our overall public health care system.

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