In Campaigns, Labour NewsPosted January 22, 2019Tell the Premier you care! childwelfareonthebrink.orgHalifax – The Nova Scotia Government & General Employees Union (NSGEU) and the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers (NSCSW)... Continue Reading
In CampaignsPosted December 18, 2018Local 100 Membership Signing Drive: You Could Win!Good morning! Local 100 (NSHA Health Care Bargaining Unit) is holding a special contest to ensure all members have signed... Continue Reading
In CampaignsPosted December 18, 2018Local 119 Membership Signing Drive: You Could Win!Good morning, Local 119 (NSHA Support Services, Central Zone) is holding a special contest to ensure all members have signed... Continue Reading
In Campaigns, Education, EventsPosted November 1, 2018Get Involved in the Fall 2018 Agency, Boards and Commissions CampaignThe Provincial Government has kicked off its’ Fall 2018 recruitment campaign for the province’s Agencies, Boards and Commissions. The NSGEU... Continue Reading
In Campaigns, NSGEU NewsPosted October 25, 2018NSGEU Home Care Workers: Bringing Health Care HomeToday, the NSGEU is launching an online advertising campaign to raise awareness of the importance of the work our home... Continue Reading
In Campaigns, NSGEU NewsPosted October 4, 2018Sock It To Poverty Campaign 2018Dear members, It’s “Sock It To Poverty” time! Every year, the NSGEU Human Rights Committee organizes a campaign called “Sock... Continue Reading
In CampaignsPosted August 9, 2018Joint NSGEU/PSC Safety Campaign Continues – Reminder to: Slow Down, Move OverSlow Down, Move Over Campaign Continues Through Busy Summer The NSGEU is proud to continue its safety awareness campaign in... Continue Reading
In Campaigns, Government, Labour NewsPosted June 29, 2018Slow Down, Move OverOfficially launched in advance of the Canada Day weekend, our joint safety awareness campaign “Slow Down, Move Over” continues through... Continue Reading
In CampaignsPosted June 15, 2018Feed Our Future: Please bring non-perishable food donations to Local meetings until July 13Dear Members; In an effort to help alleviate the financial stress associated with hunger during the summer months, the Human... Continue Reading
In Campaigns, Labour News, NSGEU NewsPosted October 5, 2017Information about Bill 148For information about Bill 148. please click here. Continue Reading